TeLeMaT IBL is the abbreviation of “Bringing Authenticity into the Course Room – Coherent Teaching and Learning Materials for Teacher Education in Inquiry-Based Learning”, an Erasmus+ project funded by the European Union (Project No. KA220-BW-23-36-151700).
The project is founded on an observation about teacher education in inquiry-based learning (IBL) in the natural sciences. Namely, there are very few teaching and learning materials encompassing teaching scenarios that authentically mirror real-world situations. In simpler terms, there is a lack of resources that simulate genuine teaching experiences for the purpose of teacher training in IBL within the natural sciences.
The project aims to enrich teaching and learning material for teachers (whether they are still in training or already in servce) with, for example, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), interactive videos (H5P), animations and real-world materials (e.g. experiment reports produced by students). This will serve to improve teacher education consistently across all phases (in Germany, there are three phases: studies, traineeship and continuing professional development; in other countries only two: studies and continuing professional development). Read more →

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